2019-12-02 08:00:00 | Categories: Theory, Methods, News

3-item version of Collective Narcissism Scale

The correct citing of this blog entry is:

Golec de Zavala, A., Mole, R. & Ardaq, M., (2018). Three-item Collective Narcissism Scale. https://collectivenarcissism.com/blog/3item_cns

The analyses were based on Polish nationally representative sample collected for the project 'Homophobia in Poland' financed by the Noble Foundation awarded to Richard Mole and Agnieszka Golec de Zavala


The 5-item version of Collective Narcissism Scale has been used in different cultural and national contexts and has persistently shown excellent concurrent and predictive validity (Golec de Zavala, Dyduch-Hazar, & Lantos, 2019). We aimed at shortening the scale from five to three items by conducting IRT analyses on Polish, German and Turkish sample. 

Suggested items for the ultra-short version of Collective Narcissism Scale

  1. 1. My group deserves special treatment.
  2. 2. Not many people seem to fully understand the importance of my group.
  3. 3. I will ever be satisfied until my group gets the recognition it deserves. 

The complete analysis following item response theory approach are reported here.